Stone Age

  The Stone Age was an expansive prehistoric period during which stone was broadly used to make tools with an edge, a point, or a percussion surface. The period went on for generally 3.4 million years, and ended between 8700 BCE and 2000 BCE with the approach of metalworking. Despite the fact that some basic metalworking of pliable metals, especially the utilization of gold and copper for purposes of ornamentation, was known in the Stone Age, it is the dissolving and purifying of copper that denotes the demise of the Stone Age. During the Stone Age, humans shared the planet to various now extinct out hominin relatives including Neanderthals and Denisovans.

  Facts About The Stone Age

  Early in the Stone Age, people lived in small groups. During much of this period, the Earth was in an Ice Age a time of colder worldwide temperatures and icy development.

  Mastodons, saber-toothed felines, monster ground sloths and other mega fauna wandered. Stone Age people hunted large mammals, including woolly mammoths, goliath buffalo and deer. They utilized stone tools to cut, pound, and pulverize improving them at extracting meat and different supplements from animals and plants than their previous precursors.

  Around 14,000 years ago, Earth entered a warming period. Huge numbers of the huge Ice Age animals went extinct. In the Fertile Crescent, a boomerang-molded locale limited on the west by the Mediterranean Sea and on the east by the Persian Gulf, wild wheat and barley got copious as it got warmer.

  Some humans began to construct perpetual houses in the area. They surrendered the nomadic way of life of their Ice Age predecessors to begin farming.

  Human artifacts in the Americas started appearing from around this time, as well. Experts aren't actually certain who these first Americans were or where they originated from, however there's some evidence these Stone Age individuals may have followed a footbridge between Asia and North America, which got lowered as ice sheets softened toward the end of the last Ice Age.


Stone Age Housing 

Tools Used In The Stone Age

 Much of what we know about life in the Stone Age and Stone Age people comes from the tools they left behind.

  Hammer-stones are some of the earliest and simplest stone tools. Prehistoric humans used hammer-stones to chip other stones into sharp-edged flakes. They also used hammer-stones to break apart nuts, seeds and bones and to grind clay into pigment.

  Archaeologists refer to these earliest stone tools as the Oldowan toolkit. Oldowan stone tools dating back nearly 2.6 million years were first discovered in Tanzania in the 1930s.

  As technology progressed, humans created increasingly more sophisticated stone tools. These included hand axes, spear points for hunting large game, scrapers which could be used to prepare animal hides and awls for shredding plant fibers and making clothing.

  Not all Stone Age tools were made of stone. Groups of humans experimented with other raw materials including bone, ivory and antler, especially later on in the Stone Age.

  Later Stone Age tools are more diverse. These diverse “toolkits” suggest a faster pace of innovation and the emergence of distinct cultural identities. Different groups sought different ways of making tools.

  Some examples of late Stone Age tools include harpoon points, bone and ivory needles, bone flutes for playing music and chisel-like stone flakes used for carving wood, antler or bone.

Stone Age Tools

Diet In The Stone Age

  People during the Stone Age initially began using mud pots to cook food and store things.

  The most established pottery known was found at an archaeological site in Japan. Fragments of clay containers utilized in food readiness at the site might be up to 16,500 years old.

  Stone Age food shifted after some time and from region to region, yet incorporated the nourishment of hunter gatherers: meats, fish, eggs, grasses, tubers, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Stone Age Pottery

Arts In The Stone Age

  The oldest known Stone Age art goes back to a later Stone Age period known as the Upper Paleolithic, around 40,000 years ago. Art began to show up around this time in parts of Europe, the Near East, Asia and Africa.

  The earliest known portrayal of a human in Stone Age workmanship is a small ivory sculpture of a female figure with misrepresented breasts and genitalia. The figurine is named the Venus of Hohle Fels, after the cave in Germany where it was found. It's around 40,000 years old.

Earliest Stone Age Art

  Humans began carving symbols and signs onto the walls of caves during the Stone Age using hammer-stones and stone chisels.

  These early paintings, called petroglyphs, portray scenes of animals. Some may have been utilized as early guides, showing trails, rivers, landmarks, astronomical markers and symbols communicating time and distanced voyaged.

  Shamans, as well, may have made cave art while under the influence of natural hallucinogens.

  The earliest petroglyphs were made around 40,000 years back. Archeologists have found petroglyphs on each mainland other than Antarctica.

               Cholpon Ata Petroglyph

    Having come to the conclusion of this interesting topic, it's quite clear to see what interesting things the stone age possessed and how people of that age lived their lives.

   Back in the Stone age, there wasn't anything like having to get stuck in traffic or any of these other situations of the present. But, the present holds a lot of gift itself like high end medical facilities and so on.

Which age do you think had less worries, Stone age or the present time?
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